Absolutely Stunning Touhou Project Cosplay


Location, location, location. Three things I think that greatly help during cosplay photoshoots. Not only is it about the elements and how beautiful the location is but it’s also about the quality of the light available during the shoot. While obviously, studio lighting is necessary when shooting in a dim or indoor environment, when it comes to outdoor shoots during the daytime natural lighting is always the best kind of lighting to go with.

The setting of Touhou Project is in a place called Gensokyo, also called by other names such as, “The Land of Illusions” or “The Land of Fantasy”. Its area resembles that of feudal Japan but littered with mystical elements. Think of it as wonderland with a twist.

Yaya’s uploaded cosplay photoshoot of Reimu and Marisa from Tohou Project is one of the most beautiful Reimu photos that I’ve seen. They’ve not only used the objects in the location as just a mere background but used it effectively as a foreground to diffuse brightness and create depth of the photo.

Reimu Cosplayer: Yaya
Marisa Cosplayer: 萌萌同学提不起劲


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