Badass Saruman and Gandalf LOTR Cosplay by bassa82 and TatharielCreations


This Lord of the Rings cosplay, featuring two of the fandom’s oldest and wisest characters, really captures Fellowship of the Ring when Gandalf was still Gandalf the Grey, before he dismantled Saruman and stole his white hair. While it’s a little incredible that the two would be posing together as a photo, being sworn enemies and all, it’s great to see the two oldest and wisest characters put aside their differences for a little while. Although the hair and beards look to be on the cheap side, they add a campy quality to the photo that makes me rejoice. Maybe these two can’t be besties in any believable universe, but a fangirl can wish. These costumes were worn at a Two Towers movie premiere, which must have made fellow moviegoers very happy.


My dear friend, (Saruman to the left), and I (Gandalf to the right) decided to invade “The Two Towers” Movie Premiere all dressed up as Saruman and Gandalf!

I made the costumes/wigs/staffs with what I had lying around. kinda hasty, but it was just for fun! XD


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