Gen Con 2018 Day 1 Live! All hail Worg!


Live from GenCon 2018 and it was a long kicking day one. I’ve wanted to go to GenCon since I was a wee deviant. Fast forward a few decades of decadence and you have a three plus venue megazord con full of table top, deck building, action figure, pen n paper, dice rolling madness.

Cosplay. Yes—Cosplay is live and well at GenCon. I was amazed at the level of talent on Friday. Some major time went into a lot of these cosplayers and added to the atmosphere of fun. I loved a few of the group plays and there was also cute wizard that I think we all can agree should win best in show. If Friday was this jammed with Cosplay, I can’t wait for the full weekend.

General tickets are the Disney Land cash of GenCon. Full disclosure—I have not played DnD since I was in grade school. So, when I saw that I could pick up a game of 1st ed AD&D rules with Tower of Gaxx: Meatgrinder! I didn’t have a character. I didn’t have dice. Heck, I didn’t remember the rules from double digit years ago. I was as nervous as a school boy going off to his first day. Will I be laughed at? Will the cool kids like me? Am I wearing underwear? All my fears vanished once I started getting into the game. Dice? Here borrow some of mine! Character? We have premades for you! $2 bought me over an hour of gaming where, lo, poor Worg half orc of destiny was laid to waste after trying to throw a halfling into a charging monster and poking a wall with a pointy stick (Worg had a bit low int, but he was a nice guy).

Not everything was great. I don’t like seeing negative in anything, but I can’t abide by crappy vendorship. The coupon book gave a bid for a free spin at a game table store. Most of the categories were BOGO or 30% or 40% but the main attraction was a free game table. The slice of the wheel for that table was pretty small. A long shot, at best. So, when the woman in front of me spun and hit that grand prize, well, the crowd went wild. She was stunned! She just won a gaming table! The carnie barker announced it to the crowd and started to ask if she drove or took a plane. How she could get the tables home—but not to worry, they would make sure that airline took the table! …then he handed her a table the size (and shape/texture) of a dominos pizza box spacer. You know, those small white doll set looking tables that keeps the cheese from hitting the top of the box? Yeah, that was her ‘table’. To say she—and the rest of the crowd—were a bit let down was an understatement. Dude, with peace and love I say this—if you aren’t going to put the real prize up, then don’t put it on your wheel. Don’t sucker or switch the fans like that. It reflects poorly on you as a person and your business. I won’t give them the press to mention their name, besides there are so many cool vendors—why hang up on the stinker of the crowd?

Instead, let’s talk about a kick butt dice company! Metallic Dice Games! Their merchandise is outstanding. They have weighted metal dice (thus the name, right?) and we are talking all gaming dice. The feel of the bigger D20 are basic weapons you could keep by your nightstand. The regular sized packages (great prices, too) are perfect for your gaming nights. I loved the feel of them and they even sell ‘slightly banged up’ (non-perfect) sets for a discount. After playing Gaxx with a borrowed set, I’m hooked. Plus, it is a family business and the folks there couldn’t be nicer. I loved talking to them (the art that goes into making the metallic and acrylic is praise worthy). If you are in the mood for some dice—stop by the Metallic Dice Games booth. They will hook you up with some amazing merch at fantastic prices.

That’s it for today! Tomorrow we are looking at Vampires, live action dungeons, and a bit of naughty cosplay—-oh my! Until then, folks may all of your Worgs be crits.


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