Leyla sexy take on Marvel’s Blade


Leyla takes the stage as Marvel’s Blade in this latest addition to CosplayErotica.This sexy version of the premiere vampire hunter from the Marvel comics really brings the Rule 63 subject to life. There is little left to the imagination as she stretches and poses in the tight black leather.

Despite the way Blade would normally be presented, Leyla does a terrific job of showing us all her curves as she twists and contorts in this hot leather cosplay. One thing’s for certain. While you might want to meet Leyla in a dark alley somewhere, you may wanna be careful about those bites. This is truly the sort of thing that Rule 63 exists for.

Real Name: Eric Brooks

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 215 lbs.

Powers: The enzymes in Blade’s blood made him immune to normal vampire bites, uniquely attuned to sensing the supernatural and resistant to aging. Since being bitten by Morbius, Blade has gained many of the traditional powers of the vampire without more

Abilities: Blade is a master martial artist proficient in practically every form of weaponry known to man. His particular specialty is the use of edged weapons, be they teakwood daggers or swords.

Group Affiliations: Formerly van Helsing, Noah, Noah van Helsing’s vampire hunters, Nightstalkers, Midnight Sons, the Nine, Harker, Quincy, Quincy Harker’s vampire hunters, Strong, Ogun, Ogun Strong’s vampire hunters, Bloodshadows gang

First Appearance: Tomb of Dracula Vol. 1 #10 (1973)


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