Dyelinne as Ley von Crimson River


Ley von Crimson River is known throughout the Grand Chase world as one of the more destructive characters in the game. Only Rin managed to cause more destruction with a double ultimate skill setup. Ley comes from one of the powerful “moderate” families. But most are not overly concerned with her story. Ley is definately no slouch on the moves or the looks which is why most were not concerned with her story!! With a wide range of attacks and summons at her disposal, Ley either tears apart targets or sends her summons to do the job for her. Either way usually amounts to “they’re dead and I’m not”. The downside to this was the accusations received by Ley players of cheating when it was really a case of “Never Die” mode that was figured out.

Ley is portrayed here by Dyelinne. This photo was taken by Steven Sadikin and was so well liked that it was also featured on the North American Grand Chase Facebook page. The truly sad part to all this is that multiple Grand Chase servers were shut down not long ago.

Ley von Crimson River 1

Ley von Crimson River 2


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