Tokyo Ghoul Cosplay Controversially Hot


“Tell me, please tell me, what this plot is all about” -(Tokyo Ghoul Opening Song – Unravel)

Yes! Exactly, please tell me what this plot is all about? Now, a lot of reactions have surrounded these photos ever since it got posted on Facebook. Some good, some not so got, some jealous, but mostly it was a “Why is she naked?!” reaction.

Creativity and accuracy have always gone hand in hand when it comes to cosplay but in this case it seems like it has become a creativity vs. accuracy subject. I am a believer that a person is free to express however they wish to express their cosplay of certain characters and I have nothing against fanservice. But I also greatly appreciate a cosplay that is keeps true to the original franchise and doesn’t deviate much from how the characters are.

Some Tokyo Ghoul fans and cosplayers have found it difficult to find the concept in this photoshoot let alone determine if there is one. What do you think?

Kaneki Cosplayer: Hippo
Rize Cosplayer: Airi


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