Tantalizing Jaina Proudmoore Cosplay


Who wouldn’t love to spend some time training with the beautiful Jaina Proudmoore? Well, that fantasy comes closer to you thanks to CosplayErotica and the mystically beautiful Devorah who in this joyous occasion is cosplaying as Jaina Proudmoore from the World of Warcraft games.

The lines on her costume are superb, and are only matched by the contour of her sexy body, legs and butt when there is not that much costume left to cover her bottom half, a visual experience that helps you achieve higher levels of arousal as you watch her slowly undressing, posing bravely with her staff and showing you what she is concealing under her garments, a secret that will definitely energize you, put a smile on your face, and have you standing at attention with each magnificent move that she makes.



Jaina Proudmoore is the founder and former Lady of Theramore Isle (as well as its only leader during its brief existence), the Alliance’s major port in southern Kalimdor in WoW. She also appears in World of Warcraft: The Comic, assisting Varian Wrynn (request)





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