Captain America Caturday


Do you like cats? Do you like patriotic comics? Do you like creative makeup? Well, busty beauty Anime Annie has got you covered. She says she is feeling a bit self conscious about her makeup today, because she is experimenting with red (for the red, white and blue theme) in spots she might usually do in white eye shadow. I think her makeup looks effing amazing. She always pulls her outfits together in fun ways, even for casual looks, Anime Annie is always so stylish and sexy. She was just telling an anecdote about how her friend had lots of boba. You know, the little bubble things you can get in beverages at Asian coffeehouses. Anyway, she and some friends in Toronto were aiming to have a play party and they take the play aspect of having a play party for real. Which is awesome. So the plan was to fills a kiddie pool with boba. That would be some sexy boba tea! Unfortunately, although they like the play aspect, on this particular occasion, they never got around to it. But what a great reason to have that you have to go pick up your kiddie pool that you left at a friend’s house! Next topic is whether or not it would be preferable to have a roll of quarters where the sun don’t shine. It is free to register your profile tonight to weigh in on the quarters in the butt question and talk cats and Captain America with Anime Annie.








Profile Headline: PornStar Violet Marcell, turned cosplayer and cam girl!
Tags: Cosplay, Busty, Friendly, Gamer, Playful, Big Boobs, Nice Ass, Flirty, Costumes, Kitten, Geek, Sexy, Sweet, Toys, New, Sensual, Roleplay, Fantasy, Tentacle, Pornstar


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