Catjira_ is having a birthday party!


Catjira_ caught my eye with the giant mask costume. She’s having a bit of a birthday party right now and we are all invited. As many birthday girls, Catjira_ is a bit topless and is giving us a special show. I won’t spoil too much of it, but some of the features have cake, a butt, a few toys, and a pizza. I’ll leave it up to your imagination on how those items play with each other. One thing I didn’t need to leave to my imagination was how Catjira_ looked under her mask. Although she had a tip lock on it, the lock was smashed when one extremely generous (and very cool) member tipped her 10k. It was so pretty, I almost took a screenshot of it.

I’m not sure what everyone’s doing tonight, but why don’t we get in on this fun and help the birthday girl have her most memorable birthday ever. She’s new to me, but she seems like a blast (plus it’s her birthday!)

United States
23, No Answer
Tags: new model, black hair, green eyes, kinky, tease, funny, pretty, natural tits, shaved


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