Stacy stars as Final Fantasy’s Claire Farron


Cosplay Erotica brings us a bit of fantasy this time, Final Fantasy that is. Stacy is rocking out in her Claire Farron aka Lightning costume. There is a lot going on in this CosplayErotica shoot with Stacy and it’s all darn good. I really loved the ears and the tail. Even if you aren’t a Final Fantasy fan (how can you not be a FF fan?!), you can enjoy it as a furry.

The rest of the costume fits for whatever preference you may have. It really does come together from the toes up to her long off-pink wig. Her sleeved top adds a bit to the piecey, yet there look. As someone who’s done a comic con, all I can say is “that’s a lotta moving parts!”. I really do like this pieced together outfit. The layers of material with colour/style really adds a dimension to this shoot. There is a pretty cool sword she has too. When I say ‘sword’ I really mean a weapon that is almost as tall as she is. Yes, that includes her augmented height with those high and rather posh boots.

It seems that Stacy is rather well in control of her legs when she hits a lot of these rather tight poses. One pose in particular shows a bit of balance on those heeled boots. The sword works here, but the best photo in the shoot is one that the sword is not seen. In fact, her tail isn’t seen in this one either. How do I know she is tail-less? Because this particular picture (that I can’t show, sorry!) demonstrates just what type of underwear Lightning has been hiding for all this time. Don’t worry, she doesn’t stop with just the tail and there is, indeed, some fast and furryous (pun ahoy!) moves. Now that’s a final fantasy we can all agree on.

Body: Girl next door
Legs: Very long
Boobs: Small
Hair: Brunette


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