Ms Poisoness brings in the St Patrick’s Day fun


Wow. That’s my summary of this BlueBlood shoot with Ms Poisoness. Amelia G and Forrest Black really put out a great psycho-killer (in a good way) St Patrick’s Day shoot with this. Blue Blood always goes great work and this is no exception. I loved it. The way Ms Poisoness poses? Forget about it. There were so many choice somewhat safe for work photos to pick from, I felt like an art director trying to pick “the shot”. (For the record, there are also a loooooooot of great perfect poses that were completely NSFW that I couldn’t show, too.)

We see the green theme in the panties and the top–and the hair. I didn’t know how to take the hair at first. Sometimes dreads work. Sometimes they don’t. This is a combination platter of color and style and it works. It really works. There is so much color in this shoot it is really hard to unpack. Here are my highlights: The jewelry. That ring on the finger is such a great addition to the shoot. It adds a touch of danger and a touch of the mysterious that was already underlying the shoot. The necklace adds a glimpse of the regal. The ink! Oh, the ink! I am glad to have two great pictures of her arm and leg tattoo. I could do entire reviews just on the ink alone. It is really well done. Really colorful. Really well placed. The bikini tops and bottoms look great, but they work better as a prop. The way Ms Poisoness interacts with the tops and bottoms reminds me of the old calendar shoots from the Page era. (The last time I saw some of these poses pulled off so well was for a speedo calendar shoot for David Bowie.)

The posing is what sets all the pieces together into a fantabulous (trademark pending…and oddly a word spellcheck didn’t highlight) set. I haven’t seen Ms Poisoness before, but she nails it. She nails each and every single pose.

A note on the Featured Image slot: Yes, I usually go with images that show the model’s face fully. However, look at it that shot! Are you kidding me? That’s a poster! Sincerely, that is something I would pay money to hang on my wall. The eyes make that shot.

I’m happy to introduce you all to Ms. Poisoness with this fun green skulls and pin-stripes bikini set, celebrating the Saint Patrick’s holiday. We have a number of silly out-takes that I will have to post sometimes soon, but for now, I hope you enjoy these.
~Forrest Black


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