Take Alice Margatroid For a Ride


Touhou Project is one of them oldies but goodies franchise. I didn’t know about Tohou until 15 years after its first release but that didn’t make me appreciate it any less. In fact it’s classic setting that seemed to be inspired from Japanese mythology. The characters are adorable and each of them has their own interesting back story.

One of the most cosplayed characters in Tohou Project is Alice Margatroid. She’s a magician who is known for being anti social and for her adept use of dolls to do her bidding. She was formerly human but due to her training and increased dexterity she has transformed into a Youkai.

I’ve seen quite a lot of the Alice cosplays in her default costumes but this one by Misa贞喵 is certainly a unique version that we don’t see often – Alice Margatroid in a bikini version. This particular version has been posted in various websites but the cosplayer’s name is always said to be unkown. Well, here you have it folks! The beautiful cosplayer’s name is Misa贞喵 (Not to be confused with Misa TW).


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