Myobi by Adelhaid Cosplay


I’m a sucker for details. Everything that has got lots of sparkles and includes lace, gemstones, embroidery or intricate designs gets my all hyped up and wondering how many hours, work, sweat and tears were put into the making of the costume. So Adelhaid, an impressive russian cosplayer, definitely stole my heart with her cosplay of Myobi from Alichino.

The costume is beautiful and detailed in a way that you have to observe carefully and more than once to fully grasp all those little things you might have missed. Adelhaid keeps up the good reputation russian cosplayers have regarding details by using them in all of her costumes that range from Disney characters to sexy ones.

One thing that is always present is the impeccable construction on each and every one of her projects. You can check more from her here.

The photos were created by JustMoolti.


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