Naughty Nelf Frolicks


Scantily clad and looking as though she’s straight out of the Emerald Dream, cosplayer Angela portrays what appears to be a perfect Night Elf specimen hailing from the lands of Azeroth. The shoot is listed as “Fairy” but methinks that maybe legalese for aesthetically similar but legally distinct from “World of Warcraft”. (Futurama meta-reference anyone?)

Whether or not Angela is a Nelf warlock imbuing her blade with spell oil or casting a chaos bolt, she looks flawless doing so in a matching greaves, bracers, ornate top and bottoms. Wouldn’t you want her to wake up wearing just your guild tabbard? Let’s not forget the iconic ears and purple hairpiece that’s the clincher.


CosplayErotica Gaming Doll: Angela G.

Age: 27 Cosplaying since: 2005

Favourite gaming platform: PS3

Favourite games: Killzone 3, Final Fantasy XIII

MMO interest: Wow, 4Story

Favourite game quote: “You almost became a Jill Sandwich!” (Resident Evil)




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