Jen Vixen for Talk Like a Pirate Day


I have a friend, Ange, who dresses like a pirate on most days. So, when I see Amelia G and Forrest Black do a pirate shoot for Blueblood, I know I’ll love reviewing it. I am not disappointed. Jen Vixen is a great, colorful, choice for this pirate shoot. Her green tints in the hair and green lips add something to the pirate mystique, but it’s the arm sleeves that really draw attraction. Yes, that not only is a great artwork with the coloring and the design, but also a tribute to the Nightmare Before Christmas. The work really is fantastic and it adds to the over-all feel of this shoot. Can’t you see Johnny Depp romancing Jen Vixen in one of his pirate franchise movies? I sure can.


Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day everybody! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr! –Amelia G


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