Mecha Musume is a devil of a poet


Imagine going into a room with an alt girl donning pink devil horns and then having the girl read Victorian poetry. That’s what is happening right now in MechaMusume’s room. For those who are new to Mecha Musume, like I am, let me lay down a bit of groundwork for you. If you want to be in her room, there are a few things you need to know. First, she’s smart. Yep. Anyone who can talk poetry with me (and read it quite well, I might add) deserves the title of smart. She is also pretty passionate. I think it goes back to loving poetry. When she reads, she really gets into it. I think she can do an entire show reading to her audience. I know I was mesmerised. Mecha Musume is also into sci-fi and a bit of occult items (and, from her location, I would guess PowerPuff Girls too. I was Buttercup once, but I digress). So, we have a friendly, smart, easy to talk to, great to look at cosplay girl and she is probably one of the best kept secrets on this site.

I think it is time to let the secret out. I value intelligence and I enjoy Mecha Musume’s company. Oh, and if you are wondering, she looks great with her costume, and fantastic without. She has something going for her and I can’t wait to explore her room more. I really hope to see you there, because, well, only with our powers combined can we fight the evil that is…errm…I meant, see her reading poetry whilst naked. Sure, fighting evil is fine and all, but tell the truth, which would you rather do: Fight Evil or see a sexy model naked? Yeah. Me too.


Username: MechaMusume
Gender: Female
Body Type: Little in the middle
Ethnicity: Other
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 666 pounds
Height: 67 inches
Age: 21
City: Townsville
Country: Antarctica
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Tags: kinky, kitten, busty, tease, booty, fetish, goth, hentai, anime, android, foot fetish, kawaii, russian, cosplay, all natural, college girl, pierced, freaky, alt, alien, beatings and brains, naughty in private, financial domination
Smoke: Occasional
Drink: Moderate
Drugs: Experimented
Occupation/Major: Design
Favorite Food: MEAT OMG
Pets: they all ran away…
About Me: no skype, no dirty talk, and don’t tell me what to fucking do ^_________________^


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