Arrow – Damaged


We find Ollie back on the island, being a bad student to his mysterious teacher. I hope the Smoke Monster doesn’t come after them.

Ollie is facing criminal charges since Dreseden is out for blood AND the vigilante. Ollie wants Laurel as his lawyer, but wouldn’t that be a conflict of interests? Seeing as he’s boned her and is the daughter of the arresting officer?

Yet again, Laurel gives Ollie an “You have a family and people care about you”speech. Hmm, this is starting to be super soapy with it’s soliloquies and lack of plot advancement.

And then DEATHSTROKE THE MUTHERFUCKING TERMINATOR shows up. YES! Shit is about to get real. Deathstroke does a little carving on our boy when asked about his mysterious island savior by the other mysterious black ops guys. I really want more of this, it’s a lot more interesting than the unrequited love angle that we’re getting a major dose of. But maybe that’s just because I like action way more than romances?

Queen Mom meets up with Captain Jack to run interference and take the bullseye off of Ollie’s head. She’s got psycho eyes, man, real spooky. The mysterious corporation will not be swayed tho as they send an assassin after Ollie. Luckily, Ollie had sent Diggle off to masquerade as Arrow and crash a gun deal to prove that Ollie isn’t the hood. So all is forgiven and everyone is happy. Arrow does just enough pandering to keep us interested but it seems like every other episode is kinda boring. We’ll check in next week when something awesome will probably happen and I’ll remember to write this on time.


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