Stephy Slaughter Gothic Easter Bunny Plush


stephy easter bunny plushDeathrock babe Stephy Slaughter has always been a personal favorite. She seems smart and poetic or at least she projects that vibe. She has a very interesting gaze. I like this Easter shoot from BarelyEvil earlier where Stephy Slaughter is in either a nightclub or her weirdly huge sunlit living room (the text on the site is confusing on this point) and, before stripping down to show off her sleek decorated body with her scarification and thought-provoking tattoos, she cuddles her bunny rabbit plush. This is the most gothic-looking stuffed bunny plush you have ever seen. It is not plushie sex, just a perfect Easter treat.

Yes, I’ve been saving this shoot Forrest Black and I did of the awesome Stephy with her entirely evil plush bunny. Yes, I’ve been saving it for Easter. We shot this in Stephy’s cool nightclub-style living room.
–Amelia G


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