Interviews Athena Hollow


athena-hollow-2Speaking of Geek Girls Online, has a really interesting interview with Athena Hollow. Athena Hollow is the webmistress of GGO. My favorite part of the interview is when interviewer Cutter asks: “Nearly every alt-model we’ve seen lately claims to be highly intelligent, including many that seem to have their own opinions about how to spell the word. Who should we believe and why?” Athena Hollow replies: “Ask them what Einstein’s theory of relativity is. Chances are, if they don’t know, they are blowing smoke up your ass. What it does show, is that brainy girls are very “trendy” these days. Everyone wants a smart girl, or a gamer girl, as they are seen as the “Unicorn” of the female species. Many guys are getting tired of the same blonde bimbo porn that keeps getting reproduced over and over again.”


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