Can Mistletoe Kill?


In Norse Mythology, Baldur (also Balder, ON Baldr), the god of innocence, beauty, joy, purity, and peace, is Odin’s second son. His wife is called Nanna and his son was Brono. Baldur had a ship, the largest ever built, named Hringham, and a hall, called Breidablik. Phol is considered to be a German name for Baldur, based on the Merseburger formulae, where Baldur is mentioned as Balder.

Baldur, nicknamed “the beautiful”, is known primarily for the myth surrounding his death; that tale is one of the most moving in all Norse literature. His death and the manner of it contribute to another kenning for Baldur, “the slain god”. His death is seen as the first in the chain of events which will ultimately lead to the destruction of the gods at Ragnarok. Baldur, however, will, as foretold in the Voluspa, be reborn in the new world.

He had a dream of his own death (or his mother had the same dreams). Since the gods’ dreams were usually prophetic, this depressed him, and his mother Frigg made every object on earth vow never to hurt Baldur. All but one, an insignificant weed called the mistletoe, made this vow. Frigg had thought it too unimportant and nonthreatening to bother asking it to make the vow (alternatively, it seemed too young to swear). When Loki, the mischief-maker, heard of this, he made a magical spear from this plant. He hurried to the place where the gods were indulging in their new pastime of hurling objects at Baldur, which would bounce off without harming him. Loki gave the spear to Baldur’s brother, the blind god Hod, who then inadvertently killed his brother with it. For this act, Odin and Rind had a child named Vali, who was born solely to punish Hod, who was slain.

Baldur was ceremonially burnt upon his ship, Hringham; the hugest of all ships. As he was carried to the ship, Odin whispered in his ear. This was to be a key riddle asked by Odin (in disguise) of the giant Vafthruthnir (and which was, of course, unanswerable) in the Vafthruthnismal. The dwarf Lit was kicked by Thor into the funeral fire and burnt alive. Nanna, Baldur’s wife also threw herself on the funeral fire to await the end of Ragnarok when she would be reunited with her husband (alternatively, she died of grief). Baldur’s horse, too, with all its trappings, was burned on the pile. The ship was set to sea by Hyrrokin, a giantess, who came riding on a wolf and gave the ship such a push that fire flashed from the rollers and all the earth shook. (via Wikipedia)

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