Fr4nkie Mae has a nerdgasm


Alright, let’s get it out of the way. The reason why I went into her room is because, well, I like Fr4nkieMae and she is wearing a Robin costume. She’s sexy, she’s smart, she’s geeky and nice. Oh, and my bad on watching the show too long. She’s naked now, so you’ll have to take my word on that Robin costume. It fit her really well. It seemed to be a bit of form fitting female Robin top. I am not sure if a shelf for the breasts was built into it or if it was a wire covering. Oh and the tip that took off the top? 42, of course.

Now, this is why I missed the photo. We were geeking out. Hitchhikers? Yep. Doctor Who? Yep. Tom Baker? Yep. Sylvester McCoy? Yep. Doctor’s Wife? Yes. Hobbit? Of course! So much cool stuff going on. You have no idea how much I enjoyed talking to a real gamer/geek. It seems like she heard me complain about this the other day. For Comic Con there are a ton of fake “nerds” going around. Basically models being hired or some trendy person thinking they are a “nerd” until you talk to them–at all–about anything–at all. Fr4nkieMae is the girl you want to hang with. I forgot I was at work. That’s how cool it is in Fr4nkieMae’s room. If you like any of the mentioned shows, or Sandman, or Gaiman in general, or a hot girl who is genuine and into sex, then you really have to visit.

Visit. Tip. Say Hi. Just don’t forget your towel.


Username: Fr4nkieMae
CamScore: 1049.2
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Weight: 111 pounds
Height: 65 inches
Age: 21
City: Equestria
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Herb
Drink: Light
Marital Status: Involved
Occupation/Major: Sculpture/Ceramics
Favorite Food: Cake, Italian, Chinese.
Pets: 2 Kitty’s at my mom’s 🙁
Automobile: Public Transportation (hellz yeah)
About Me: Hey everyone! I’m Fr4nkie, 20 and going to school studying sculpting. I am a huge nerd and love it. I love all the kitties in the world and pretty much anyone I meet.


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