QuinnGray Races Through GTA Online


Cars are not supposed to fly, but in the wonderful world of Grand Theft Auto Online, anything is possible. Especially in the hands of someone as skilled as QuinnGray, who is clearing jumps so big that it certainly seems like these cars are flying. That’s just the beauty racing through various courses and getting closer and closer to that first spot on the podium. Her own fantastic looking shirt has the word “electric” printed on it, which fits perfectly as she always stuns and electrifies with her sense of style and mastery of the game. Those pink kitty ears attached to her headphones bring a bit of of adorableness to the whole show that helps perk it up even more!

QuinnGray was in 3rd place when I captured these pictures, but I’m sure she can manage to grab the trophy with ease as she continues to race through the game.

QuinnGray Races Through GTA Online

QuinnGray Races Through GTA Online

QuinnGray Races Through GTA Online

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