amelia g ameliag ameliag.comSpeaking of Amelia G and Blue Blood, this week Amelia G launched a personal site at as a sort of central space for her varied works. I like that she collected up her blog entries from different sites and combined all of them from the last four years on My favorite part of the site is her photography portfolio which features many of the bands who do the science fiction and comic book convention circuit, including The Misfits, gODHEAD, and Combichrist. The personal pics section is also really fun. The professional photos are captioned, but the snapshots are not. Some people of fandom note I am able to pick out from the casual party pictures are Sean Abley from Socket and Gay of the Dead, Chris Wylde from Film Fakers, Clint Catalyst from America’s Next Top Model, one of my very favorite authors Thomas S. Roche, and Chewbacca.


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