Naked Bai Ling Not Senator Bana Breemu


Speaking of celebrity skin. This past May, there were a slew of rumors going around about Bai Ling aka Ling Bai, best known for her turn as Myca in The Crow. A Playboy spread of her appeared and she went to the press, claiming that George Lucas cut her from Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith possibly because of her nude pictorial. Credible sources suggest that this was just a publicity ruse. In fact, she only had four lines in the film to begin with and her Senator Bana Breemu character was cut along with Lucas’ own daughter because he felt the plot line they were in was distracting from the main storyline. Bai Ling’s bio is rife with somewhat extraordinary claims which are always mitigated somehow, such as the way she told the press that her Playboy appearance was “possibly” the reason for her being ousted from the newest Star Wars flick. She was associated with the democracy protests in Tiannamen Square. She spent three years in the People’s Liberation Army from age fourteen. She was in a mental hospital. She was a Chinese movie star before she was eighteen. She may never be able to return to her homeland because of her controversial appearance in the Red Corner thriller about a businessman framed for murder in China. I’m going to tell you right now that I think she is gorgeous and I completely believe the mental hospital part.


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