Taylor Stevens Big Boob Hockey Fan American Flag


taylor stevens american hockey flagThe media in the USA went beserk over Taylor Stevens’ mammaries last month. Sometimes comic book girl sized breasts seem almost normal, in the context of pinup pictures. In the context of a championship hockey game, there was some real wow factor involved. Now Pinup Files shows hockey fans every inch (foot?) of the weapons Taylor Stevens was bringing to bear in support of the Kings. Go Kings!

Happy 4th of July everyone! Okay, so it’s not quite 4th of July yet but we here at PInupFiles are already in the mood for a patriotic celebration and who better to get us in that mood than 34G Taylor Stevens! Those of you who happen to be hockey fans and caught the recent Stanley Cup finals may already be familiar with Taylor and her awesome big boobs, because she was the hot blonde behind the bench of the New Jersey Devils who was wearing the super tight top that showed off her incredible huge tits that were so amazing, they actually distracted the coach! Yes, Taylor has that kind of effect on people, and she will definitely have that effect on you when you get a load of this awesome new photo set from her! We got Taylor in her patriotic best for this one and her big boobs are on full display!

taylor stevens american flag


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