AnimeAnnie Mario Cosplay Monday


AnimeAnnie’s Super Mario cosplay is fantastic because it really lets you see her awesome creativity and attention to detail, all while showcasing her spectacular body and her always charming smile with the added bonus of the constant presentation of sexy details that create a lovely and exciting atmosphere.

I also like how she goes easy on the makeup to achieve that natural look that helps bring out her unique beauty without dressing it up unnecessarily while allowing her eyeliner to make for a perfect ingredient to make you look at those stunning eyes of hers, although it is not like you really need a reason. After all, AnimeAnnie already has all that she needs to be resplendent.

Add to that the fact that some naughty things are also in the mix of goodness you will find with her, and you have a recipe for something better than any cake Princess Peach could come up with for Mario himself.






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