KaileyKetchum Plays Diablo IV


I really don’t think I’ve picked up Diablo in a while but I am so here for KaileyKetchum playing it because it really did used to occupy quite a lot of my time at some point. But then events. And side quests. And more different, little events. And even more little side quests.

She seems to be doing quite well in all fairness. Not only does she not seem fussed at the absolute hordes of enemies heading her way every second but she’s able to look off screen and get those suckers down. She seems to be a woman of profound knowledge and gaming skill, so I am very appreciative of her calm spirit and quick fingers.

Though, there’s a lot of DIV content out there. Even more side quests and events. Which means more KaileyKetchum!

KaileyKetchum Plays Diablo IV

KaileyKetchum Plays Diablo IV

KaileyKetchum Plays Diablo IV

KaileyKetchum writes:

Hi! I’m Kailey. I’m pretty bad at describing myself, but I’ll give it a try. I’m 5’0″, otherwise known as “short as fuck”, but I’ve learned to live with it. My birthday is October 22, which makes me a Libra, although if I were born half a day later, I’d be a Scorpio. I don’t really believe in any of that shit anyways though, but I am pretty fascinated by the cosmos. I’m a pretty simple girl


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