Firecracker7 Is Live From Vought Tower


Ladies and gentlemen, patriots and lovers of liberty, have I got a revelation that’ll set your minds ablaze like a Fourth of July bonanza! We’re diving deep into the star-spangled saga of the newest, most electrifying member of The Seven – the dazzling dynamo herself, Firecracker7‘s Firecracker!

We live in a world where fake news and lunacy are trying to tear down our heroes. But fear not, because we have Homelander, our red, white, and blue savior, standing tall against the storm of misinformation. Homelander, a true American icon, is out there on the front lines, protecting our God-given freedoms, and I say we owe him our unwavering support! And thank God we got Firecracker strutting onto the scene in an outfit that’s more American than apple pie and the Second Amendment combined.

This isn’t just a supe, folks – Firecracker7 is a walking, talking symbol of American exceptionalism!

Firecracker7 Is Live From Vought Tower

Firecracker7 Is Live From Vought Tower

Firecracker7 Is Live From Vought Tower

Firecracker7 writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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