Home Posts tagged swag
Tag: amazing, autographs, cum show, gloves, leia down, mask, pink, pink hair, portfolio, swag, ventress
Ventress Leia Down cuts off a tipper
Very rarely do I find a girl that says, “You’ve tipped enough” in a room. I like this. Leia Down is having her board cleared and, to make it fair, she...
ParaNorman Promotional Coffin
I love movie props. From Lemarchand’s Box to the Necronomicon from Army of Darkness to any number of weapons and rayguns, I love em all! So when Gothic.Net posted...
San Diego Comic Con 2012 Events
If you are going to SDCC, god bless you. Stand in those lines, snap those photos and eat those over priced nachos. You are the true heroes. Oh the booth babes...