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Vecca_Salt And The Heart Of The Wild

Vecca_Salt takes a moment to show us the lush greenery we can find while traveling around the old west in Red Dead Redemption 2. She also takes care of her horse by...

Vecca_Salt’s Relaxing Wagon Ride, Old West Style

The weekend comes, and with it, relaxation, which is why this Vecca_Salt stream where she plays Red Dead Redemption 2 is so nice, because it puts all the gunfighting...

Enjoying The Coziness Of The Old West With Vecca_Salt

Vecca_Salt invites us to enjoy her adventures in the Old West in this Red Dead Redemption II gameplay stream, and since in the game it is night out and already a bit...

Gamerlana Takes Us Back To The Old West

Ride on cowboys and cowgirls as we take a swing to one Old West saloon where a lovely Gamerlana awaits us with open arms. This little lass has gone full western cosplay,...


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