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A Bloody Evil Personified In Megumi_yang

A Bloody Evil Personified In Megumi_yang

I can see blood. I can see burns. I can see scars. It looks like Megumi_yang has escaped from Hell or at least allowed herself some time off to relax in the mortal...

Victoriabathory Exits The Pits Of Hell

Victoriabathory Exits The Pits Of Hell

Or at least the ouija board. I can see there’s a lot of symbols on Victoriabathory‘s shirt there so I do wonder from which circle of Hell did she descend...

NaomiDee’s Demon Is Reporting For Duty

NaomiDee’s Demon Is Reporting For Duty

It’s not very easy to step into the shadows and come out of them looking like that. Even less so when stepping out of the shadows does mean going back into the...

Karoline_uwu Shows Off Her Devilish Style

Karoline_uwu Shows Off Her Devilish Style

The spooky season brings out all kinds of demons and devil. Karoline_uwu is taking everyone on a journey today into her personal hell and I for one am very excited to...

Baby Demon Angelytaxx

Baby Demon Angelytaxx

I say baby demon, Angelytaxx may very well be going for a full on gargoyle or maybe a devil—or something in between, but I am so here for the creature cosplaying and...

QueenOfMetal Beckons Satan

QueenOfMetal Beckons Satan

Now, I’m not sure if QueenOfMetal is an agent of Satan, perhaps sent by Satan to to his bidding or maybe she is actually Satan but in the best form possible, but...

Falling In Love With Goth Demon DarcyNycole

There’s a lot to see in DarcyNycole’s room tonight, and I don’t just mean on the lovely background that shows lots of plushies and cute things sitting obediently...

DarcyNycole Has Escaped The Hells To Slay

DarcyNycole Has Escaped The Hells To Slay

Which hell? Well, that depends. There’s a lot of them around, and there are a lot of masters from all said hells that all have their very different terrain type...

Meet Scrumptious Succubus Sinomin

Meet Scrumptious Succubus Sinomin

I think it’s a succubus anyways. That or some sort of other demon. Or maybe a monster from the depths of the underworld, except really, really sensational looking....

Meet Demonic Darling Angelytaxx

Meet Demonic Darling Angelytaxx

I’m not entirely too sure what Angelytaxx has in store for the day considering it’s very much bright outside where she is, but maybe she’s the type of...

UV_GUMMYSHARK Is The Most Fluorescent Devil Known To Earth

UV_GUMMYSHARK Is The Most Fluorescent Devil Known To Earth

To be fair, she may not actually hail from Earth but from a distant planet where everything is super colorful and bright, what I do know though is that UV_GUMMYSHARK is...

BabyZelda Is The Lord Of All Demons

BabyZelda Is The Lord Of All Demons

The typically innocent cosplay-wearing BabyZelda has turned a page… and went to the dark side by the looks of things. A bit of red and black is always something I...


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