A Rem-arkable Lilith_asami24


Lilith_asami24 is the maid to remember—and maybe a spy on the side that’s definitely plotting up something. She’s not only cleaning the house, but making a sweep on the cosplaying front too.

Her iconic black-and-white maid uniform is adorned with frills, ribbons, and delicate lace, balancing her soft-spoken demeanor with the deadly precision of a morning star-wielding badass. The subtle blue accents in her outfit mirror her sky-blue bob that frames her face like a gentle breeze—until she’s charging into battle. If anything, she’s proof that maid skills and demon strength make for one hell of a combination.

Her love for Subaru might be unrequited, but that doesn’t stop her from fighting for what she believes in. And in this case, my love for Lilith_asami24’s cosplay will definitely outmatch it all.

A Rem-arkable Lilith_asami24

A Rem-arkable Lilith_asami24

A Rem-arkable Lilith_asami24

Lilith_asami24 writes:

Real Name: lilith_asami24
Followers: 625
Birth Date: May 17, 2000
Age: 24
I Am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men


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