Jeepers, It’s Anaperla


Daphne Blake has always been one of my favorite characters just simply because of her look and the way she can play around, so I’m very happy to see Anaperla taking her cosplaying skills and making sure to show off the best from her too.

The iconic purple dress hugs her figure with just the right flair, complemented by her signature green scarf tied neatly at the neck. It’s also very purple. And purple is a fabulous color at any time of the year. A lavender headband keeps her locks in check, making sure she looks fabulous even when running from a masked villain or dusting off cobwebs in a spooky mansion.

Whether she’s uncovering clues, dodging ghosts, or tying up loose ends (literally), Daphne’s fearless style and quick wit ensure Anaperla is as much of a hero as the gang’s beloved Scooby Snacks.

Jeepers, It’s Anaperla

Anaperla writes:

Real Name: Valeria
Followers: 18015
Birth Date: July 16, 1997
Age: 24
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans


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