Cosplayer AnimeAnnie Wins First Place In Mario Kart


2024 is almost over, and what better way to give it a proper sendoff than with an AnimeAnnie stream that reminds me of all the fun, sexy cosplays and amazing surprises we’ve enjoyed with her this year, and brings us more of her special flavor of fun with this cosplay gaming goodness that’s like a fantastic celebration.

She’s in control of her Goth Birdo while in this Mario Kart game stream, and AnimeAnnie secures a nice second place in a very close race that she plays during this show where she is cosplaying as Waluigi, with lots of cool extras to the costume that make it even sexier while she tries another race and this time manages to finish in a triumphant first place.

AnimeAnnie Writes:

Cosplayer, gamer and geek with the right mix of silly, sensual and sexy…


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