Rem from Re:Zero is the embodiment of elegance and devotion wrapped in a perfectly crafted maid aesthetic, of course under the false pretenses of being a maid, but not actually a maid at all—and Elice_cooper_1 is nailing it.
Her iconic outfit is a classic work of black and white, adorned with delicate lace and frills that highlight her quiet charm. A subtle blue ribbon tied at her collar adds a soft touch of color, mirroring the hues of her pastel-blue hair, which is one of the more iconic parts about the twin and I do love how much attention to detail she has paid in really making sure every little bit of this counts in how good she looks.
But don’t let her delicate appearance fool you—Elice_cooper_1‘s Rem is as powerful as she is loyal and she is a spy of masterful proportions, so this act is just that but below it, there’s much more to see!
Real Name: Elice
Followers: 1979
Birth Date: June 13, 2004
Age: 20