Seraphine23_ Is An Arch Wizard Of The Crimson Demons


Megumin, the self-proclaimed archwizard of explosive magic, is an absolute force of chaos and hilarity and it seems to me that Seraphine23_ has basically embodied her in all of her glory today.

Dressed in her iconic crimson robe with gold accents, her style screams dramatic flair, matched only by her unwavering dedication to one thing and one thing only: EXPLOSION! Her wide-brimmed wizard hat is the focus point for me and she really does make a show out of it. Armed with her trusty staff, topped with a glowing red orb, she’s always ready to unleash her ultimate spell—though it leaves her completely drained after, flopping around like a fish out of mana.

With her dramatic poses, fiery declarations, and constant one-liners about the true art of explosions, Seraphine23_‘s Megumin is both the bane and the heart of her party!

Seraphine23_ Is An Arch Wizard Of The Crimson Demons

Seraphine23_ Is An Arch Wizard Of The Crimson Demons

Seraphine23_ Is An Arch Wizard Of The Crimson Demons

Seraphine23_ writes:

Real Name: Seraphine
Followers: 69458
Birth Date: Oct. 23, 2005
Age: 19
I Am: A Woman


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