Pink Power Ranger KaileyKetchum Plays Overwatch


I don’t think I’ve properly seen a Power Rangers episode in my life, but I can absolutely recognize the talent that KaileyKetchum has in basically becoming one of them—the Pink Power Ranger to be specific in this regard, except doing something a little different.

I suppose to fight enemies, there has to be a lot of strategy involved. And what better way to do that than to indulge in some video game tactics and maybe get the best out of a siege or 1v1 than to play something different every day? She does seem to be quite good at it to be fair.

A Power Ranger of the KaileyKetchum kind is always appreciated!

Pink Power Ranger KaileyKetchum Plays Overwatch

Pink Power Ranger KaileyKetchum Plays Overwatch

Pink Power Ranger KaileyKetchum Plays Overwatch

KaileyKetchum writes:

Hi! I’m Kailey. I’m pretty bad at describing myself, but I’ll give it a try. I’m 5’0″, otherwise known as “short as fuck”, but I’ve learned to live with it. My birthday is October 22, which makes me a Libra, although if I were born half a day later, I’d be a Scorpio. I don’t really believe in any of that shit anyways though, but I am pretty fascinated by the cosmos. I’m a pretty simple girl


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