All Vital Signs Point To Maithaiii


I love a good bit of nursing, and I like a good bit of plot twisting. It looks like Maithaiii is really doing justice to both things—she is looking like the devil’s nurse from the look of it—black instead of white, with a lot of red too.

I quite appreciate the full nurse uniform. There’s a skirt, there’s a top, there’s a hat that all ties together into this very beautiful outfit. I’m really loving the little braids too, really does add a touch of fun to the look!

If nurse Maithaiii needs it, I shall be awaiting inside an appointment room any time she wants to!

All Vital Signs Point To Maithaiii

All Vital Signs Point To Maithaiii

All Vital Signs Point To Maithaiii

Maithaiii writes:

Hi, my name is Mai, and I am 24 years old, originally from Thailand (Land of Smiles), currently living in the United States of America.


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