The Iron Eater Is Here


The popularity of Arknights cosplays continues to rise, with an increasing number of cosplayers showcasing their outfits at events worldwide. This trend is fueled by the game’s diverse range of costumes, often referred to as “skins,” which offer cosplayers a plethora of options to joyfully select from.

This cosplay is of Arknights’ FEater. Imagine encountering your beloved Arknights operator strolling down the convention hall, graciously pausing to strike a pose for a photo just for you.

Not familiar with FEater? Allow me to give a little background. Some players have pointed out that FEater is as useful as real pandas, however, niche players who go for specific strategies depending on the different game environments per stage find this operator to be the best ally. Before she found her new life in Rhode Island as a combat specialist codenamed “FEater”, she was Wan Shêng-shêng, a famous Yanese Ursine martial artist, who after a streak of bad fortune, issues with the embezzlement of funds, and bad investments had her career coming to an abrupt end. As an operator, she specializes in pushing enemies away with her skills and can be deployed as both melee and ranged.

Cosplayer: 凰儿


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