Jeanne D’arc.


Jeanne d’Arc (Alter), often referred to as Jalter, is a character from the popular mobile game Fate/Grand Order. She is an alternate version of the historical Jeanne d’Arc, created through the game’s complex narrative involving the Holy Grail and various mythological and historical figures.

Appearance-wise Jeanne d’Arc Alter has a striking and edgy design. She has long white hair, dark armor, and red eyes, which contrast sharply with the pure and saintly image of the original Jeanne d’Arc. This dark and brooding aesthetic is visually appealing to many players. In Lapin Angela’s cosplay being geared towards mature fans, took the liberty of portraying her in an outfit that pleases the latter and fuels their imaginations. What do you think of this cosplay?

Cosplayer: Lapin Angela


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