Nekobeanxo Is A Fornite Master


I too am fond of Fortnite masters just because I really can’t play the game. It does look like she’s taking things pretty strategically and I can always appreciate a good tactician when it comes to a good game. Nekobeanxo really knows how to play.

I also really love the outfits and suits she has on for her characters. There’s something so very appealing about seeing her slowly collect her arsenal before she can go shooting off at enemies as the circle closes. Even more so when there’s a lot of them to be eliminated before the day has risen.

Nekobeanxo and video games is always a fantastic combination!

Nekobeanxo Is A Fornite Master

Nekobeanxo Is A Fornite Master

Nekobeanxo Is A Fornite Master

Nekobeanxo writes:

Mom of Piper, Tiny, Azazel & Chickn


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