MoonConjured Indulges In Some DLC Quests


There’s something soothing about watching MoonConjured playing The Witcher 3, because she doesn’t only play the game, but she also talks about it, as well as other games like Skyrim and Morrowind (she says she is a fan of everything The Elder Scrolls), and she balances the conversation of the game with the gameplay beautifully, suspending comments and resuming them as needed while the game throws her some surprise encounters where Geralt needs to fight creatures with a death wish.

MoonConjured shares that she’s still got one last quest to go before completing the main portion of the game. This is very exciting, because she pauses that main quest to indulge in the DLC Blood and Wine, which means that the Witcher 3 goodness can continue for a long while with this gorgeous goth girl!

MoonConjured Writes:
Petite Metis Goth Beauty With a Big Booty (say that 5 times)


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