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Meet Christmas Fox Haru_lee

Meet Christmas Fox Haru_lee

Arctic foxes I have seen. Snow foxes I too have seen. I have been privy to the occassional grey or red fox, but I have yet to see a Christmas fox that just brightens the...

Kissable_Hun Captivates With Flirty Christmas Fun

Kissable_Hun extends a lovely invitation to spend this Christmas magically with her (that’s literally the topic of her cam room), and I am very excited to take her up...

A Very Merry Christmas With Cute Reindeer Naughty_fox

A Very Merry Christmas With Cute Reindeer Naughty_fox

Merry Christmas to everyone reading this right now! My Christmas is certainly turning out to be very merry indeed and it’s all thanks to a cute reindeer by the name of...

Oh Deer, It’s Aliceisonfire

Oh Deer, It’s Aliceisonfire

It looks like Mommy Claus has now gone into being a reindeer. Which to be fair, I thought she would be a bit more busy this time of year, given the amount of travelling...

Christmas Cutie Annie_may_ Gives Her Sexy Present

I want to wish you a merry Christmas, and I also want to show you something amazing I found. It is this little show by Annie_may_, which is a fun gift that comes with...

Lolipop_crush Is The Sweetest Elf

Lolipop_crush Is The Sweetest Elf

There’s so much to be thankful for this Christmas season. What I’m most thankful for is the opportunity to see all these gorgeous elves turning their cameras on to...

Mommy Claus Is Aliceisonfire

Mommy Claus Is Aliceisonfire

Unsure if it’s an OC or just a nice litle take on Mrs. Claus, but I am very much enjoying what Aliceisonfire is doing with her outfit. Though, I will say, I have...

There’s A New Mrs. Claus In Town, And Her Name Is Chiidrae

There’s a sexy Christmas celebration happening in chiidrae’s room today, and she is doing something that…well, you know how, when Christmas morning comes and you...

Elf Hallucigenia1’s Dazzling Christmas Surprise

Can you feel the magic? It’s super close to Christmas now, countdown close, in fact, and the joy and surprises abound, starting of course with this lovely cam show...

RAVEN_SAKURA Serves Up A Merry Reindeer Show

RAVEN_SAKURA Serves Up A Merry Reindeer Show

It’s getting close to Christmas and that means all the reindeer getting their time to shine. Just like RAVEN_SAKURA is doing right now by hosting this show. She has...

The Elvish Beauty Of Cristin_blue

The Elvish Beauty Of Cristin_blue

Tis’ the season of elves and Cristin_blue is certainly looking like an enchanting elvish beauty for today’s very special show. It’s not a traditional Christmas elf...

Merry Rinsmas From RinCity

Merry Rinsmas From RinCity

Now, I can never tell if the look is going for more worker-elf turned Santa’s little helper turned Mrs. Claus, but I’m actually loving just how Santa Claus-esque it...


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