NaomiDee’s Hoppin’ Labbit Style


Yes, you read that right. NaomiDee is serving up a hoppin’ stylish show today and she isn’t just any bunny rabbit, she is the iconic Labbit!

Labbit has become a pop culture icon with all kinds of merchandise created after the character. I’m loving the way this Labbit themed hat looks on top of her head, giving her a pair of cute bunny ears, some adorable bunny eyes and that fantastic stache. She even has a fluffy bunny tail, which I can see each time she starts hopping around on the floor and showing off her bootyful side.

Cute and cuddly don’t even begin describing this show. NaomiDee’s infectious personality fills up the entire room and I recommend everyone hop into her room to join her on this adventure.

NaomiDee's Hoppin' Labbit Style

NaomiDee's Hoppin' Labbit Style

NaomiDee's Hoppin' Labbit Style

NaomiDee writes:

I love music, dancing, and chilling with my friends! Stop by my camroom sometime or find me on social media to join in!!


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