A Jolly JessWhitmore In The Form Of Santa’s Helper


Santa has all kinds of helpers running around the place it seems, but it looks like JessWhitmore is aiming to get herself at the very top of the pole (pun very much intended) when it comes to just how adorable she’s going to look in case there needs to be some assistance added onto the look.

Though I will say, even though she may get a wedgie or two during it, the outfit she has on is simply spetcacular. The royal red color, the bits of white fluff, the purpled cheeks that are practically artistically done on top of the hair matching is just the perfect Christmas experience.

JessWhitmore is having a merry little Christmas. So am I, thanks to her!

A Jolly JessWhitmore In The Form Of Santa’s Helper

A Jolly JessWhitmore In The Form Of Santa’s Helper

A Jolly JessWhitmore In The Form Of Santa’s Helper

TeaParty writes:

cosplayer. gamer.


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