Cosplay Erotica: A Season Pass With Zoey And Devorah


What do the Sweet Tooth Set and the Season 4 battle pass have in common? In this particular case, it’s Zoey and Devorah. And lots of colorful premises that cover the Battle Royale game. Cosplay Erotica have done an excellent job combining the two in a rainbow of colors that bring out the best in both characters.

What particularly caught my eye immediately is the juxtaposition between the very bubbly look and hot pink outfit Zoey has vs. the very grey and monochromatic outfit of the Teknique skin. What works for both is that they have a lot of chemistry in each of these pictures and they both bring out every shade under the sun with each new frame they pose in.

This is a fantastic Cosplay Erotica photoshoot featuring Zoey and Devorah!

Cosplay Erotica: A Season Pass With Zoey And Devorah

Cosplay Erotica: A Season Pass With Zoey And Devorah

Cosplay Erotica: A Season Pass With Zoey And Devorah

Cosplay Erotica: A Season Pass With Zoey And Devorah

Cosplay Erotica: A Season Pass With Zoey And Devorah

Cosplay Erotica writes:

Zoey is an Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that could be unlocked at Tier 47 in the Season 4 Battle Pass. She is part of the Sweet Tooth Set.
Teknique is an Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that can be unlocked at Tier 23 in the Season 4 Battle Pass.


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