Wetmood Swings In Front Of The Camera As Spider-Woman


Spider-Woman, Spider-Woman, does whatever a spider can! That theme song is stuck in my head right now and it’s all thanks to how inspirational Wetmood looks in her spidey costume.

I’m not sure if she has been bitten by a radioactive spider, but she sure does wear that outfit perfectly. It’s such a detailed version of it, too. Of course the webbing and the spider symbol are there, but there’s so much shading and detailing going on in the rest of the costume that it really pops in front of the camera.

The only thing Wetmood is missing is the spidey mask, but I don’t think she needs it. That would hide her bright smile and that would be a great shame. It’s a smile good enough to knock most villains off their feet, that much I’m sure of.

Wetmood Swings In Front Of The Camera As Spider-Woman

Wetmood Swings In Front Of The Camera As Spider-Woman

Wetmood Swings In Front Of The Camera As Spider-Woman

Wetmood writes:

Real Name: Rosa
I am: A Woman
Interested In: Men
Location: Germany
Language(s): Русский, English
Body Type: petite
Body Decorations: Tattoo


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