Jedi Knightess BraisleeAdams’ Allure Is The Path To The Sexy Side


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, sexiness spread all over the land. It was the work of a powerful Jedi that had attuned herself to the force in a way coveted by many, and beloved by most.

This is the tale of BraisleeAdams, the stunning Jedi Knightess who came to save us from boredom with her ability to channel the sexy side of the force to show us a great time with her lightsaber skills, her alluring presence, and her incredible beauty in order to fulfill an ancient prophecy that foretold the arrival of an irresistible jedi who would bring unending sexiness to our Halloween.

Jedi Knightess BraisleeAdams’ Allure Is The Path To The Sexy Side

Jedi Knightess BraisleeAdams’ Allure Is The Path To The Sexy Side

Jedi Knightess BraisleeAdams’ Allure Is The Path To The Sexy Side

Jedi Knightess BraisleeAdams’ Allure Is The Path To The Sexy Side

BraisleeAdams Writes:

~*~*~*~*Hula Hoop Extraordinaire*~*~*~*~


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