Clown LilSpoopyLuna Is Watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space


The 80s were great for many things but some of the questionable things that occurred there were definitely the weird sci-fi horror movies that just happened to pop out with the most random of plots.

Now, maybe LilSpoopyLuna is one of them, but there are a group of aliens out there who are Killer Klowns and they have decided to make their way down to the planet and scare and murder the hell out of everyone in their path, so maybe she is just taking notes considering the whole killer clown scares and all.

The plot thickens and LilSpoopyLuna‘s knives are about to get sharpened too!

Clown LilSpoopyLuna Is Watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Clown LilSpoopyLuna Is Watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space

Clown LilSpoopyLuna Is Watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space

LilSpoopyLuna writes:

cow hugger | plant daddy | definition of a hot mess


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