Komorebi Does Three Cheers For The Devil


Komorebi looks to be a cheerleader, but she also looks to be a kitty. On top of it all, she seems to have made a pact with the devil judging by the gear she has on. The combination of it all makes her look like quite the devilish kitty with a plan at her paws.

I love the color red on her. I also love the deep and light contrasts that light up her outfit as much as I love how much it juxtaposes her personality that is sweet as can be. The devil has one geared up cheerleader by the looks of it!

There are no pom poms around but I am very much lifting my proverbial ones in cheer for Komorebi who is looking top notch tonight!

Komorebi Does Three Cheers For The Devil

Komorebi Does Three Cheers For The Devil

Komorebi Does Three Cheers For The Devil

Komorebi writes:

USERNAME: Komorebi
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 85 pounds
HEIGHT: 5 inches
AGE: 21
CITY: HotChickLandia


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